While prayer is the most obvious and essential need for a vibrant and effective Puget Sound Camp, there are also numerous ways you can donate time, talents, or “treasures” to camp! See the descriptions below and contact the camp director at [email protected] or [email protected] for more information.
If you are interesting in supporting Pacific Northwest Camp or in providing scholarship funds for Awana youth desiring to attend camp, donations can be made directly to: PSSM, 24 E. Axton Road, Bellingham, WA 98226 (please note that your scholarship gift is for Pacific Northwest Camp). Or, for more information please contact PSSM at pssmnw.org or 253-381-1342 or a camp director. Donations can also be made via PayPal (specify PNWCamp)
We are always keeping an eye out for mature adult counselors (preferably, but not limited to current Awana leaders) to minister through their time to the youth entrusted to us. We are most confident your service as a counselor will not only bless those entrusted to you at camp, but it will bless you too!
There are a variety of skills we can use in helping better promote and manage camp administration and operation, including nursing, web design and management, photo/video production, graphic design, and construction of stage props and game equipment. If you have any of these talents you can donate, let us know!!
What are “treasures“? They can be either financial gifts donations or gifts-in-kind (property). As a ministry of PSSM (Puget Sound Strategic Ministries), Pacific Northwest Camp is a 501c3 non-profit. Therefore, your financial or gifts-in-kind are tax deductible! Operating camp is not inexpensive! Camp scholarships or designated funds to budget items are a huge help in bringing more financially hard-shipped youth to camp and to keeping costs down for everyone. Below is a list of items/costs that can be loaned/donated or financially provided for with designated giving. Obviously, some are quite expensive; partial gifts are welcomed!:
Approximate expense estimates for 2025:
Bus rental (HS ministry trip): $3000
Awards: $1000
Administrative: Printing of Bible lessons & staff notebooks, $1500
Camp T-shirt: $1,800
Button supplies: $300
Insurance/back ground checks: $1200
Camp deposit: $1000
Another really helpful way you can donate to support camp is to provide other items needed for camp. Just email the camp director which item(s) you would like to donate.
Items needed:
Sound equipment (speakers, monitors, microphones/stands, cords)
Music stands
Bathroom (travel size, for people who forget them)
Sun Screen/Lotion
Tooth Brush/Tooth paste
Feminine products
High School Ministry Outing
Wordless bracelet and/or face painting supplies
Bottled water
Medical Station
Band-Aids……. all sizes
Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
cough drops
throat lozengens
cotton balls
4×4 gauze pads
Sandwich bags … zip closing
Self gripping wraps (elastic bandage)
Hydogen Peroxide
“AfterBite” Treatment
Anti-diarrheal capsules
Anti-acid – chewable tablets
Pepto bismol (or equivalent) chewable tablets
Craft Building
Tie dye coloring
new white t-shirts (small/medium/large)
Camp office (staff) snacks
(Individual serving sizes)
Bottled Water
Bottled Juice
Granola Bars
Trail mix