Where is Pacific Northwest Camp?

We are hosted by Mayfield Lake Youth Camp, near Mossyrock, WA

What happened to Puget Sound Camp?

We have merged with our sister camp, and simply changed our name.

What is the age/grade requirement for camp?

JH/Middle school campers must be upcoming 6th  graders and at least 10 years of age by the first day of camp. HS grade campers must be 13 years old by the first day of camp.

What other requirements do I need to complete (and by when) to come to camp?

Completion of any 3-12th grade Awana book/manual for first time camp attendance.  Completion of the Awana handbook/manual for the
current (2024-2025) club year is required for returning campers in order to motivate campers to study God’s Word diligently (2 Timothy 2:15).

When is it too late to register and/or pay?

It’s never too late.  However, to lock in the lowest rate of $TBD, a registration MUST be made by midnight, April 30th, 2025.  May 1st through midnight June 30th the cost increases
to $TBD.  July 1st the cost increases to $TBD and a team shirt in camper size cannot be guaranteed.

Are there any discounts to the registration fees?

Yes, a $50 discount is available for multiple children from the same family and for those serving in full time ministry.  Please see the online application for details.

What options to I have for registration and payment?

Both online registration and online credit card payment (including installment payments) are available in addition to previous methods of payment (mail, money grams,
checks, etc.).

How and when will I receive confirmation of my registration?

Camper confirmation information and instructions will be sent to the email address provided on your application.  It will be sent as soon as your
registration is received and processed.

Who do I make any “offline” registration payments/fees to?

“PSSM – Pacific NW Camp”

Who do I MAIL my application or checks to?

Pacific NW Camp Registrar, PO Box 301, Burley, WA 98322

Who do I contact for registration or payment related questions?

Registrar: [email protected]

What is the pre-registration date for?

The $75pre-registration application fee/date is there for three reasons. First, it secures a spot at camp in the event the camp fills up.  Second, it helps us to know how many volunteer staff we’re going to need.  Since these volunteers give up vacations, etc. to serve at camp, it’s helpful for them to know if they’re needed.  Third, there are up-front costs (printing, shirt & award purchases, etc.) that require payment well before camp starts.  Early registration fees are used for those purposes.

How does the roommate preference request work?

You and your roommate preference must request each other. Campers must be in the same grade. Roommate request cannot be assured; we’ll do our best, but we cannot guarantee it.  If we can’t accommodate a roommate preference, we will try to pair them on the same team.

Can I preference a team color or counselor on my application?

No. We do not accept preferences for team colors or counselors for a variety of reasons.

Will there be pictures or videos available from camp?

Yes. We make arrangements to take a lot of pictures and video during the week.  Campers can expect to receive a USB drive at the end of camp that includes these. Some examples can be viewed on our Facebook page and/or at or

Can I raise money or solicit scholarships to attend camp?

Yes!  For nearly 25 years, this camp included the word “scholarship” in its title.  The idea behind that is the camper has earned their admittance to camp by completing the requirements. So families, churches, and clubs are encouraged to sponsor or scholarship them (partially or fully) for their achievement.  Many already do this.  Other clubs hold fundraisers for their campers to help offset the cost of camp.  See the “Fundraiser Ideas” attachment or on the camp website.  The possibilities are endless and too many to list here, but it will take initiative on the part of the camper, family, club, and/or church. Some campers actually earn their own money specifically to attend camp by working odd jobs or offering services to those in their family or church.  Again, it takes some creative planning and initiative, but it is an achievable goal!

I have a summer conflict.  Can I arrive late to or leave early from camp?

Yes, with permission from and coordination with the camp director.  Although this is strongly discouraged for a number of different reasons, we realize there are unique circumstances that can make arriving on schedule unavoidable.  We do not, however, pro-rate the fees accordingly, and arriving more than 24hrs late is generally discouraged.  Leaving early is discouraged for many of the same reasons, and we are reluctant to allow this any earlier than the last evening of camp (Friday).  Late arrivals should plan to check in at the Medical Station.  If unattended, please ask any camp staff member to immediately notify the camp director or medical staff for camper in-processing.  Early departures must be coordinated with both their cabin counselor and camp director by email, or phone (253-245-3035).

I have a conflict with the camp dates and cannot attend.  Are there other camp options? 

We are sorry that you can’t attend Pacific Northwest Camp this year! Inland Northwest Camp is very similar to ours and also staffed by Awana leaders that love the Lord and love your kids, just like our staff!  Please contact us for more information if you need it.  Or, once we have a link for their camp we will put in on our website and update it here.

Can my camper call home?

No, not normally.  You can imagine what it would be like if we allowed 200+ teenagers to keep their cell phones with them during the week of camp.  In order to keep camp free of distractions and to minimize the chance for lost, damaged, or stolen phones, they are not permitted at camp (unless left off/locked in the camper’s vehicle).  Of course, making/receiving phone calls is allowed if there is a camper/family emergency.  In case of emergency, text or call the camp director (253-245-3035) for communication arrangements.

Will I get to talk to my child during the week?

We strongly encourage sending mail, but we discourage phone calls in order to keep the camp free of distractions so we can maximize the Lord’s ministry to your child at camp. Unless there is a family emergency, please refrain from contacting your child by phone.  Instructions and the address for mailing your child are included in the information you will be sent upon registration.

More Frequently Asked Questions

Can I start helping my child memorize the verses?

Please do! Download a verse card and begin studying now!

Is there someone to help my child if they get hurt or sick?

We have a medically trained volunteer on site. Be assured that we will contact you for any hospital visits. The best thing is for you just to ask your child to not get sick or hurt while they are here at camp!

What kind of clothes will they need to bring?

Our activities keep the campers very busy, so pack clothes appropriate for outdoor activity.  Don’t forget a swimsuit for the pool, pajamas for sleeping, running shoes for activities, and t-shirts that are red, blue, green or yellow to show team spirit. (Campers will find out what team color they are on by email before camp begins.)

Do they need to bring bedding?

Each camper will need to bring their own pillow and bedding. Bring bedding that fits a twin mattress. Some campers will be sleeping on cots, and a sleeping bag works the best.

What will my child be doing each day? 

Here is an example of a typical day at camp: Times are not exact.

7:00     Reveille / Flush&Brush
7:40     Flagpole
8:00     Breakfast
8:30     Personal devotions
9:05      Cabin Clean-up
9:30     Bible Lesson
10:30   Group Activity/Game
11:30   Flagpole
11:50   Lunch
12:25   Bible Quizzing
12:55   Team Meeting
1:15     Rest Time
1:45     Free Time: Camper can choose to go to the snack shack; pool; craft shack; or one of the many outdoor recreational activities Cedar Springs Camp offers.
4:25     Flagpole
4:45     Dinner
5:20     Mail Call
6:00     Evening Activity/Game
7:25     Chapel
8:50     Personal Devotions and clean up
10:10/10:30   Taps: Lights Out

 What does my child do with prescribed medication?

Upon arrival, each camper will turn in any regularly prescribed medication to the Camp Nurse. Each day, the camper will have the medicine readied and followed up on to make sure they have taken the dosage for that day.

Do they need to bring spending money?

We encourage campers to bring spending money for the Snack or Craft Shack. Money will be deposited in the Camp Bank the first day of camp and deducted from your camper’s account as needed. Campers should withdraw their remaining funds from the bank during cabin cleanup on the last day of camp.

Does everyone eat at the same time?

Due to the number of campers we split the meal times and while one group is at lunch the other is enjoying another camp activity. After a set amount of time the two groups will trade places. Before entering the dining hall everyone is required to wash their hands/use the disinfectant at the portable stations outside the dining hall entrance. Your camper has been doing this at all of our previous camps and should be used to this.

How are things in the dining area cleaned?

PNWC staff makes sure that everything is cleaned with a disinfectant before and after each meal. Campers at each table under the direct supervision of a PNWC volunteer clear their table and then clean them before moving to their next activity.

What kind of supervision will my junior-aged child have?

Counselors and staff members are with their campers most of the time not only to supervise but also to enhance your child’s camp experience by encouraging participation in many activities. During free time, campers are required to remain in groups of four or more.

I have more questions. Who can help me?

Feel free to contact us with further questions.